City of Welland Official Plan

Welland’s Official Plan (OP) contains goals, objectives, and policies that define and support the community’s vision for long-term growth and development. It also considers environmental, economic, cultural, and social factors. The OP is a long-term document with a 20-year outlook that may change as the City evolves.

The OP was adopted by Welland City Council on May 4, 2010, by By-law 2010-55, and approved, in part, with modifications and deferrals by Niagara Regional Council on September 15, 2011.

Official Plan update

Welland is in the process of updating its OP. As the City continues to grow and evolve, the City’s OP requires a review and update of its current policies, goals, and objectives.

Over the last few months, the City and a team of consultants led by SGL Planning & Design Inc. worked on background analyses to inform the next phase of updating the policies of the OP. As a result, the OP update ensures growth in the community is appropriately accommodated in the context of the City’s unique history and character, in a manner informed by the public and invested parties.

More specifically, the OP update looks at:

  • creating a strong vision for guiding growth in the City to 2051
  • how to enhance and promote the development of complete, vibrant, and healthy communities
  • how to plan for the impacts of climate change and meet climate change and environmental targets
  • how to address the economic vitality of the downtown and employment areas
  • how to promote and enhance the City’s existing neighbourhoods and heritage assets
  • how to promote, protect, and enhance natural areas and green spaces
  • garnering feedback from the community, invested parties, City staff, and public agencies
  • conforming with provincial and regional policies
  • aligning OP policies with municipal objectives for providing appropriate services to meet the needs of a growing community

Draft Updates

Background information

Public process

To participate in the public process for the creation of the new Official Plan, please visit
