Council update on key presentations and staff requests

Posted | November 19, 2024

At the second meeting in City Council’s budget process, several groups and departments proposed business cases and presented updates and requests, with no decisions expected to be made that night. Amendments to the budget will be brought forward on November 20.

Group Presentations

Youngs Sportsplex

The presentation given to Council detailed the ongoing updates to Youngs Sportsplex, highlighting new initiatives, the expansion of current programs, and other notable changes designed to enhance the community’s sports offerings.

Welland Public Library

The library presented an update on its current activities and outlined base budget requests for a bookmobile and a position to staff the bookmobile.

Welland Museum

The museum submitted two requests:
  1. To cover the average budget deficit for the past three years, including a four per cent adjustment for inflation.
  2. To hire additional staff to support programming, alongside covering the budget deficit and accounting for inflation.
All updates were presented for information purposes, with no decisions to be made during the meeting.

Staff Presentations

Several departments presented staffing requests for consideration:

Community Services:

  • Part-time Social Services Advisor
  • Parks Working Foreperson
  • Facilities Working Foreperson

Planning and Development:

  • Supervisor of Bylaw Enforcement
  • Climate Change & Environmental Coordinator

Information Services:

  • IT Project Manager

Infrastructure Services:

  • Labourer (Roads)
  • Pavement Rejuvenation Program

Fire & Emergency Services:

  • Fire Prevention Officer
  • Emergency Management Funding
Council received these updates and will further discuss these items and what is in the proposed budget as amendments, which will be presented on November 20.