Niagara Central Airport Commission

Date last revised: December 14, 2022

Short name: NCAC
Purpose: Operating, maintaining, improving, and acquiring by way of purchase, lease, sub-lease, or otherwise, the air harbour known as the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport (formerly the Niagara Central Airport). The NCAC operates the airport on behalf of the surrounding municipalities of Welland, Wainfleet, Pelham, and Port Colborne.

Meeting information

Meeting schedule: Typically the last Thursday of each month; no meetings in July and August
Meeting time: Available at the airport's website
Meeting location: Available at the airport's website
Contact: Bruce Smith, secretary
905-735-5684 (office of Lancaster, Brooks & Welch LLP)
Email available at the airport's website


  • Councillor Graham Speck
  • Councillor Jamie Lee
  • Councillor Leo Van Vliet
The following City of Welland Council members are appointed for the term of Council, December 6, 2022 to November 14, 2026.

Please contact the Niagara Central Airport Commission for information regarding representation from the City of Port Colborne, Town of Pelham, and Township of Wainfleet.

Other unique data:

Requires alignment with four municipalities for elected representation from Pelham, Port Colborne, Wainfleet, and Welland.