By-law Enforcement

The by-law enforcement division is committed to delivering professional enforcement promptly and effectively, following council direction.

Our mandate is to achieve compliance with municipal by-laws through education, mediation, and, as necessary, enforcement and prosecution. Our primary goals are ensuring public safety and maintaining community standards that contribute to improving Welland's quality of life. Besides parking enforcement, the City of Welland’s by-law division operates on a complaint basis. When a complaint is received, it is investigated, and appropriate action is taken; however, should a health and safety issue arise and/or any by-law violation is apparent to an officer, the division may pursue this issue without a complaint.

By-law enforcement staff are a valuable resource for residents and the community. During regular business hours, you can call and speak with someone if you have questions or concerns about by-laws or would like to file a complaint. The City provides after-hours by-law enforcement coverage to respond to complaints regarding noise.

By-law complaints

Complaint process
Residents can register by-law complaints by phone, email, mail, in person, or in writing. If the complaint proceeds to court, you may be required to give evidence as a witness. Please provide the following information when filing a complaint:

  • complainant's name, address, and telephone number
  • complaint location (address)
  • explanation of the complaint and details to assist with an investigation
  • summary of when and where the problem/infraction is occurring

How does the City of Welland respond to complaints?
Your complaint is acknowledged within two business days, and we will investigate your complaint as soon as possible. In most cases, by-law enforcement officers obtain voluntary compliance with municipal by-laws; however, some require additional enforcement. When an individual does not voluntarily comply, you must follow a process, and formal legal requirements take time. We appreciate your patience.

Administrative penalty information
Information on Administrative Penalty Notices (for Non-parking Related Offences) can be found below. Please contact by-law enforcement inquiries should you have any additional questions.

Where to make complaints for by-law violations

Property owners and residents may choose to use security cameras on their private properties to identify visitors, ensure the delivery of packages, or other reasons. These cameras are installed inside or outside the home to record outdoor footage.

Privacy is a human right and it is important that your security camera be installed and used in a way that considers the privacy of neighbours.

The City of Welland does not regulate the use of security cameras on private residential properties, but there are best practices to consider when installing such a device. Please note, these guidelines do not apply to the use of security cameras in public spaces or private spaces owned by commercial, industrial, and retail enterprises.

Best practices for installing security cameras

You can respect the privacy of your neighbours by:
  • Taking efforts to ensure the camera is installed and operated in a way that only records footage of your property.
  • Locating the camera in a way that respects the privacy of others and considering minimizing the amount of footage being captured by turning it off at certain times of the day.
  • Posting notice near the camera to inform people that video recording is taking place.
  • Considering deleting records on a regular basis and storing saved footage in a secure location with limited user access.

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Clean yards/property standards
The City of Welland's Clean Yards by-law and Property Standards by-law provide minimum maintenance standards that property owners must follow. If you have questions or are filing a complaint, please contact the by-law enforcement division.

Common complaints are:
  • accumulation of refuse on a property
  • inoperative motor vehicles
  • tall grass/weeds on a property
  • dead or dying trees

The City of Welland's Fence by-law regulates the height of a fence, materials used to construct a fence, and dilapidated fences. If you are planning to build a fence or file a fence-related complaint, please contact the by-law enforcement division.

If you plan to add a swimming pool to your property, review our Swimming Pool Enclosure by-law for the specific fence requirements when pools are involved.

The City of Welland's Noise by-law regulates various types of noises.

Noise after hours enforcement:
Saturday to Sunday - 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Friday, Monday, and Tuesday - 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Telephone: 905-735-1700 x3000

Sidewalk snow clearing
The City of Welland requires all property owners to maintain the public sidewalk adjacent to their property. You must remove snow and ice from the public sidewalk no later than 24 hours after the end of substantial snowfall.

No person is permitted to place snow or ice on a public sidewalk, on or immediately adjacent to a fire hydrant, or on the travelled portion of a highway. Failure to comply with the by-law may result in a fine ranging from $80 to $325.

If you have questions or are filing a complaint, please contact the by-law enforcement division.
905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542

The City of Welland works with the Niagara Region to curb illegal dumping. Let them know if it’s happening in your area. If reported incidents of illegal dumping on regional or municipal roads or properties lead to a conviction, $200 will be awarded.

The Firearms by-law regulates the discharge of firearms within the City of Welland. The by-law prohibits discharging any guns or other firearms such as air guns, spring guns, or any similar class or type within Welland.

Please contact the Niagara Regional Police to file complaints regarding the discharge of firearms.

The Niagara SPCA and Humane Society enforce all animal-related by-laws. Let them know if you have questions or are filing a complaint.

Common complaints are:
  • barking dogs
  • exotic animals
  • cats/dogs at large
  • cat/dog licensing

The planning and building division enforces the Building Code. If you have questions, please contact:

Planning and building division
905-735-1700 x2251 or x2257


