Program Registration
Let’s get active, Welland. Register for summer programs
Discover your passion. Explore a world of possibilities with our diverse range of programs for all ages. From fitness programs to coding classes, there is something for everyone. Take advantage of the fun, excitement and laughter that awaits you.
Spring / Summer Registration Dates
- Online for Viewing: March 5, 2025
- Online registration: March 26th, 2025
- In-person registration: March 27, 2025
- Welland Community Centre, 145 Lincoln St.
Annual Fees
Age Category | Resident | Non-resident |
Child (14 years and under) | $13 | $15 |
Youth (15 to 18 years) | $13 | $15 |
Adult (19 to 49 years) | $33 | $41 |
50 Plus (50 years and older) | $33 | $41 |
Family* | $68 | $86 |
* Family membership: Two adults 19 years and older with unlimited children and/or youth residing in the same household.
Note: Single-day trial passes are available to residents for $5.25 and to non-residents for $6.25.
The cost to replace a card is $3.25.
Active Pass fees include applicable taxes and are subject to change.
The City of Welland provides opportunities for citizens of all ages to participate in activities that promote active and healthy lifestyles. All Active Pass holders and visitors are expected to always exhibit positive behaviour and adhere to the following rules designed to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all:
- Respect the dignity and spirit of all members, visitors, and staff.
- Refrain from using alcohol or illicit drugs.
- Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
- Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants, or program staff/supervisors.
- Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies and facilities.
Registration fees do not include tax, with exceptions noted.
You will be required to complete a registration form and a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) when purchasing or renewing your Active Pass or trial pass and registering for a program. A PAR-Q is not required when you only register for a program.
Admission guidelines terms and conditions
- All children 12 years of age and under must be under the direct supervision of an adult/guardian or be registered in a paid program. Guardians must be 16 years of age or older.
- The Active Pass is valid for one year from date of purchase and is non-refundable/non-transferable. The cost to replace a lost card is $3.25.
- Valid passes are to be scanned at the reception counter when you enter the Centre.
- If you forget your pass more than three times, you will be required to purchase a replacement card.
- The annual fee must be paid on or before your Active Pass expiry date; fees are subject to a yearly review. Your Active Pass must be current for the duration of any program or activity requiring registration, and you won’t lose any time on the pass since renewal begins on the last day of expiry.
- A trial pass allows access to age-appropriate drop-in activities, as well as the computer lab, library, billiards room, and pool (with an Active Punch Card). The trial pass may be upgraded and credited towards a yearly Active Pass on the same day of your visit. A trial pass is only valid on the day of issue, is non-refundable, and is limited to one per individual. You will be required to complete a registration form and a PAR-Q when purchasing a trial pass.
Credits and refunds for programs
Please be aware that credits or refunds are only issued by cheque. Full credits or refunds are granted if the division cancels an activity. Client initiated
refunds are subject to an administration fee. Credits and refunds are also subject to prorating and will only be processed if a completed withdrawal form is submitted before the third class of the
block. When a gift card is used to pay for a program, the refund goes back to the gift card. Memberships are non-refundable. Credits less than $10 are kept on your account for future use. Please
allow three weeks for processing and mailing your cheque. There are no cash refunds.
Administration fee and withdrawals
Program withdrawals or transfers will not be issued after the third class of the block. To withdraw from a program, complete a withdrawal form and submit
it to or in person at the Welland Community Centre before the third class. Registration fees will be refunded
on a prorated basis and subject to an administration fee.
Cancellations and closures
For various reasons, we may have unexpected cancellations and closures. Please ensure your email information is up-to-date, as this is our main way of communicating with our members.
Inclusive participation
The City responds to the needs identified by the community. We make every effort to include individuals with disabilities in our programs. Please note this information on the registration form if you or your child have a disability and require additional support or instructor awareness.
Our accessible reception counter is equipped with the Portaloop and Ubi Duo assistive communication devices. Nextalk is toll-free at 1-866-273-5094 and connects to the City of Welland switchboard so calls can be forwarded to assigned staff in the appropriate department.
Support person
A support person is someone who accompanies a person with a disability in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs, or access to goods or services. A support person could be a paid personal support worker, volunteer, friend, or family member.
If you are a person with a disability and require a support person to participate in programs and activities at the WCC, please obtain a support person registration form at the reception counter.
Support persons are charged registration fees when their presence occupies a registered space. The Active Pass fee is waived only when the support person accompanies someone who requires support.
Wellness for All
Wellness for All is an assistance program helping those with limited financial resources to participate in quality recreation and culture programs. More information on the Wellness for All program is available here.
Payment methods
Payment is due at the time of registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, and debit, cash, cheques, or gift cards. When registering online, a credit card or gift card is the only source of payment. Attach a cheque (including the appropriate tax) or provide your credit card information when mailing your registration form. Post-dated cheques are not accepted (with the exception of summer camp). A $35 fee will be charged for NSF cheques.
If a program is full, you may request to be added to the waitlist. An Active Pass is required to be put on a waitlist.
Program changes
We reserve the right to extend, cancel, or alter any class time, fee, or location, if required. Instructors are not guaranteed for programs, and staff make every effort to assign instructors accordingly; however, in the event of a cancellation, at the discretion of staff, a different instructor may be assigned to teach.
Why do classes get cancelled?
A class may be cancelled, postponed, or combined if the minimum registration numbers are not met up to one week before the start date. It is important to register early. You will be notified if a program is cancelled. If we cannot accommodate you in another class, we will credit your account or issue a full refund.
Photograph/video policy
The City reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by the City of Welland without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Photographs/videos may be used in publications and/or other media, including websites, brochures, newspapers, and social media.
Active Pass benefits
- access to registration programs
- online program registration
- access to health clinics and wellness seminars
- discount pricing on ticketed events and cards for the Canal Bistro
- free access to drop-in programs and the computer lab, library, woodshop, and billiards room (pool cues are available with a valid Active Pass)
- free Wi-Fi
- free parking while using the fully accessible facility
- Recreation, Sport & Culture
- Welland Community Centre,
145 Lincoln St., Welland, ON L3B 6E1 - 905-735-1700 x4000
- /wellandrecandculture
- /recreationandculture