Contact Us
For City of Welland inquiries, please use the online form to email the departments, or directly dial 905-735-1700 and the extension related to your specific question.
Please Note
- To report an issue found within the public right of way, a park, or a City facility; please use our Report an issue online form.
- For all garbage, recycling, and landfill questions and concerns, Contact Us - Niagara Region, Ontario.
The account is not actively monitored. If you are reporting a situation that requires immediate attention, call 911 and ask for the Fire Department. For non-emergency responses to open-air burning complaints (backyard fires) and non-emergency alarm systems (detector troubles), dial 911 and report the condition to the Fire Department dispatcher, who will contact on-duty firefighters. Standard 911 billing charges may apply depending on your telephone service provider and your contract details. Otherwise, your email will be answered within two business days after receipt. Thank you for your correspondence.
Who to Call
- CAO's office x2122
- Communications and marketing x2337
- Economic development x2110 or x2111 or 905-735-3771
- Fire and Emergency Services - fire prevention x2488
- Human resources x2271
- Legal department x2281
- Mayor's office x2101
- Payroll x2174
- Business licences x2224
- Clean yards x2224
- Fence x2224
- Noise x2224
- Sidewalk snow clearing x2224
- Signs x2224
- Weed cutting on vacant lots x2224
- Weeds/tall grass x2224
- Zoning by-law concerning land use x2224
- Birth certificates x2154
- City by-laws x2152
- Commissioner of Oaths x2155 or x2154
- Council meeting information x2152
- Death certificates x2154
- Freedom of Information requests x2280
- Local improvements/outstanding charges x2155
- Lottery licences x2155
- Marriage licences x2154 or x2155
- Municipal clearance letter x2152 or x2155
- Municipal elections and voters' list x2159
- City construction projects (in progress) road, sewer, water, sidewalk x2200
- Drainage x2153
- Local improvements/petitions x2153
- Municipal Drains – Drainage Act x2153
- Sewer and water lateral inquiries - issues with existing infrastructure x3000
- Sewer and water lateral inquiries - new connections x2221
- Sidewalk inquiries x2153
- Subdivisions (under construction) and site plans x2222
- Utility construction within right-of-way x2221
- Accounts payable x2176
- Accounts receivable x2211
- Purchasing x3001
- Taxes x2178
- Water billing x2185 or x2194
- Cemetery/grave sites x3000
- Grass cutting (on City property) x3000
- Roadside grass cutting x3000
- Stump removal (on City property) x3000
- Tree trimming (on City property) x3000
- Utility construction in parks x3000
- Utility construction on canal lands x3000
- Building permits/fees x2251 or x2257
- Building standards x2251 or x2257
- Committee of Adjustment (minor variances/consents) x2258
- Community improvement plans and financial incentives x2251 or x2257
- Compliance letters x2251 or x2257
- Incentive programs (SWAP/LRP) x2251 or x2257
- Inspections x2251 or x2257
- Mapping x2251 or x2257
- Official Plan x2251 or x2257
- Plumber licences x2251 or x2257
- Property easements x2251 or x2257
- Property sale and purchase of City-owned lands x2251 or x2257
- Site plan control x2251 or x2257
- Subdivision/condominiums x2251 or x2257
- Swimming pools x2251 or x2257
- Zoning x2251 or x2257
To report an issue found within the public right of way, a park, or a City facility; please use our Report an issue online form.
Sewer rodding and CCTV inspections The City of Welland's public works staff performs CCTV sewer lateral inspections and sewer rodding of private homes and/or businesses from locations that are safe and accessible both indoors and outdoors. For more information, you can contact
- Bridge maintenance x3000
- Construction of new sewer lateral installation x2251 or x2257
- Construction of new water service installation x2251 or x2257
- Debris removal on right-of-way x3000
- Driveway aprons x3000
- Laneways x3000
- New culvert installation x3000
- New driveway installation x2212
- Poor water pressure x3000
- Rear yard catch basin maintenance x3000
- Sewer and water field locates x3000
- Sewer backup x3000
- Sidewalk trips x3000
- Snow removal x3000
- Spills x3000
- Stone paths x3000
- Street cleaning x3000
- Street flooding x3000
- TV inspection of sanitary laterals x3000
- Water meter testing x3000
- Water quality x3000
- Watermain breaks x3000
- Facility scheduling x4005
- Hockey games x4005
- Hours for skating x4000
- Ice time at arenas x4005
- Program information x4000
- Parking enforcement requests x2218 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
x3000 (weekdays 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. and weekends 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.) - Parking operations (signage) x2212
- Parking ticket inquiries x2224
- Permits - road occupancy (entrance, special event, and oversized load) x2212
- Permits - snow exemption, residential parking x2224
- School crossing guards x2212
- Streetlights and traffic signals x2212
- Traffic operations x2212
- Routes
- OnDemand
- Specialized transit
905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542 (toll-free)
Contact Us - Niagara Region, Ontario
- Garbage collection
- Hours for landfill site
- Leaf pickup
- Recycling collection
905-984-3690 or 1-877-552-5579 (toll-free)
- Debris and dead animal pickup
- Ditch cleaning
- Line painting
- Traffic lights
- Trees
- Hydro cable too low or knocked down
- Dog and animal control issues
- City of Welland
- Civic Square,
60 East Main St., Welland, ON L3B 3X4 - 905-735-1700
- 905-732-1919
- Toll-free TTY: 1-866-273-5094