Marriage Ceremonies

You can now exchange your vows at City Hall. A simple, civil marriage ceremony can be conducted by the City Clerk or designate in council chambers. Due to the civil nature of the service, the clerk has no authority to perform ceremonies of a religious nature.

This service is available Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by prior arrangement. Ceremonies may be held after business hours and on weekends onsite or at an offsite location within the Niagara Region, on Merritt Island, or behind City Hall in our gazebo by the canal.

If your ceremony is cancelled less than 30 days before the date of the ceremony, The City will not issue a refund.

For after-hours/weekend ceremonies, an administration fee of $100 is required to reserve the date.

To make arrangements or receive information regarding the requirements before your civil service, please contact the City Clerks department.

A civil marriage may be performed by an Ontario judge, justice of the peace, or a municipal clerk under the authority of a marriage licence. Each municipality sets its fees and can offer civil marriage services. The City of Welland clerk and approved designates are authorized officials.

A religious marriage is performed by an official of a recognized religion who has received authorization from the Office of the Registrar General to perform marriages in Ontario. Find out if the person performing your marriage is an authorized official by checking online at or by calling ServiceOntario at 1-800-461-2156 or 416-325-8305.

Changes to the Marriage Act now allow couples to exchange wedding vows before the city clerk or designate in compliance with the Ministry of Government Services requirements. A civil marriage ceremony previously required solemnization by a judge or justice of the peace.

Please be advised that City Hall is a scent-free facility, and the City of Welland requests individuals refrain from wearing perfume and cologne for their ceremonies.

Visit the links below to view more information and/or to book the venue.

To book the Gazebo located behind Civic Square:
Please contact and include

The fee for the ceremony is:

  • $325 (including HST) in the council chambers or gazebo during business hours
  • $300 (including HST) after business hours and weekends
  • $250 in the lobby during business hours
  • $75 rental fee for the council chambers or gazebo after business hours and weekends
  • $25 per witness for the City to provide witnesses during business hours