Water Service Fees

Effective January 1, 2025

Returned payment fee $40
Water certificates $62
Combined tax and water certificate $103
Water status - verbal request $50
New water accounts $40
Water payment confirmation letter (per year) $30
Water - reprint of bill $10
Water meter inspection fee
(ownership changes – vendor to pay on final billing)
Failure to be ready/No show water meter appointment $75
Refund credit balance $30
first refund is free
Transfer incorrect payments $30
first transfer is free
Water meter test fee
(refundable if found that initial read was incorrect)
Special meter reads $60
Water shut-off or disconnect charges: during working hours $90
Water shut-off or disconnect charges: after hours, Saturday or Sunday, holidays $235
Water reconnect charges: during working hours $90
Water reconnect charges: after hours, Saturday or Sunday, holidays $235
