Stormwater Management Pond FAQs

  1. What is the purpose of stormwater management ponds?
    Stormwater management ponds are designed to collect and treat runoff from rainfall and snowmelt. They help prevent flooding, improve water quality by filtering pollutants, and recharge groundwater.
  2. Why is a buffer zone necessary around stormwater management ponds?
    Buffer zones around stormwater management ponds are essential to protecting water quality and biodiversity. They act as natural filters, reducing pollutants like sediment and nutrients before runoff enters the pond. Additionally, buffer zones and provide space for vegetation that stabilizes pond banks and prevents erosion. The Stormwater Management Plan – Coyle Creek Estates, Section 5.1 notes that vegetation should be maintained around the pond and that grass cutting should be limited to the top embankment areas. We are obligated to maintaining in accordance with the design.
    The City of Welland now has a licence to operate both our Sanitary and Storm networks (like our water licence). Under that licence, we (in addition to the above) can only approve facilities that are designed in strict compliance with the Ministry’s Stormwater Management Plan and SWMP Design manual. Any deviations must be submitted to the ministry for special approval. Grass cutting is recommended to be limited or eliminated entirely around ponds per Section 6.3.2 of the guidelines.
  3. Can stormwater ponds be used for recreational purposes?
    While some stormwater ponds may be designed with recreational features, such as walking paths or viewing areas, their primary function as stormwater management infrastructure must be maintained. These ponds are not for recreational use.
  4. Are ticks a concern around stormwater management ponds, and how can residents mitigate this risk?
    Ticks can be present in natural areas around stormwater management ponds. To learn more about ticks in the Niagara Region, please visit: Ticks and Lyme Disease - Niagara Region, Ontario.
  5. Who makes recommendations and decisions for stormwater management ponds?
    The City follows recommendations and advice from the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks, the leading expert due to its role in setting regulations and guidelines for water quality, environmental protection, and infrastructure management. They oversee developing and implementing policies that govern stormwater management practices, ensuring compliance with environmental laws and standards. Their expertise stems from research, data analysis, and stakeholder collaboration to promote sustainable management practices that balance environmental protection with community needs.
  6. Can residents maintain or manicure SWMPs and their surrounding areas?
    Residents are not permitted to interfere with stormwater management ponds, as outlined in the City’s Sewer Us Bylaw, specifically 7.1.6. Interference can disrupt their function and effectiveness in preventing flooding, improving water quality, and protecting local ecosystems. Additionally, tampering with stormwater management ponds can pose safety risks. The Stormwater Management Plan – Coyle Creek Estates, Section 5.1 notes that vegetation should be maintained around the pond and that grass cutting should be limited to the top embankment areas. The City is obligated to maintain in accordance with the design.
