Planning Application Fees
Effective January 1, 2025
Application | Fee |
Official Plan amendment * | $10,137 plus regional fee |
Zoning by-law amendment * | $10,137 plus regional fee |
Concurrent Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendment * | $14,905 plus regional fee |
Removal of holding symbol | $1,816 |
Temporary Use by-law | $10,329 |
Site plan control application * (including preparation and registration of agreement) |
$9,672 plus regional fee |
Site plan exemption * | $5,536 |
Minor change to site plan agreement * | $8,805 |
Processing of subdivision application/development agreements * (including preparation and registration of agreement) |
$16,832 $3,079 for each phase over one $140 per lot or block excluding 0.3 metre reserves plus regional fee |
Subdivision fee for each plan registration greater than one dealing with the same draft plan | $6,047 |
Modification to draft plan conditions involving circulation * | $2,170 plus regional fee |
Extension to draft plan approval | $3,394 plus $140 per lot or block plus regional fee |
Processing of short-form subdivision agreement | $2,459 |
Processing of condominium application/exemption request (including preparation and registration of agreement) |
$17,841 plus regional fee |
Processing Part Lot Control by-law (including registration) |
$3,009 |
Processing servicing/development agreement (including preparation and registration of agreement) |
$9,943 |
Processing front-ending agreement (including preparation and registration of agreement) |
$9,979 |
Certificates of compliance - Tax - $60 and Water - $60 ($505) |
$385 |
Minor variance/change of use application * | $888 plus regional fee |
Consent to sever/validation of title * | $3,955 |
Concurrent minor variance and consent * | $3,641 |
Rescheduling of consent or minor variance application | $2,043 |
Change of conditions for consent | $1,518 |
Change of address requests | $495 |
Written information letter/business/licence | $293 |
* Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority fees, if applicable — contact planning staff for details.
Source: City of Welland By-law 2006-193, as amended.
Municipality to establish rates effective January 1, 2022, and to repeal By-laws 2020-131 and 2020-148.
Passed by Welland City Council — November 16, 2021.
- Planning Division
- Civic Square,
60 East Main St., Welland, ON L3B 3X4 - 905-735-1700 x2251 or x2257