Notice of Public Information Process Concerning Proposed Planning Applications
POSTED | February 6, 2025
1 OPA No. 57
A Complete Application for Official Plan Amendment has been made by Upper Canada Consultants on behalf of Metro-Mountainview Developments Inc. to redesignate lands legally described as Part of Township Lot 235 RP 59R3623 Part 1, City of Welland, municipally known as 575 Quaker Road from the existing Low Density Greenfield Residential and Open Space & Recreation to Special Policy Low Density Greenfield Residential, Special Policy Medium Density Residential and Open Space & Recreation in the City of Welland Official Plan. The purpose of the Amendment is to permit a residential development comprised of nineteen (19) single-detached dwellings, one-hundred and seven (107) street townhomes, sixteen (16) back-to-back townhomes and a block for a future medium density residential development. The development also includes a park, four (4) public streets, and areas for stormwater management.
2 2025-02
A Complete Application for Zoning By-law Amendment has been made by Upper Canada Consultants on behalf of Metro-Mountainview Developments Inc. to redesignate lands legally described as Part of Township Lot 235 RP 59R3623 Part 1, City of Welland, municipally known as 575 Quaker Road from the existing Agricultural – A1 to Site-Specific Residential Low Density 2, Site-Specific Residential Medium Density, and Neighbourhood Open Space. The purpose of the Amendment is to permit a residential development comprised of nineteen (19) single-detached dwellings, one-hundred and seven (107) street townhomes, sixteen (16) back-to-back townhomes and a block for a future medium density residential development. The development also includes a park, four (4) public streets, and areas for stormwater management.
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A Complete Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision has been made by Upper Canada Consultants on behalf of Metro-Mountainview Developments Inc. to redesignate lands legally described as Part of Township Lot 235 RP 59R3623 Part 1, City of Welland, municipally known as 575 Quaker Road. The purpose of the Draft Plan of Subdivision is to facilitate a residential development comprised of nineteen (19) lots for single-detached dwellings, twenty (20) blocks for one-hundred and seven (107) street townhomes, two (2) blocks for sixteen (16) back-to-back townhomes and one (1) block for a future medium density residential development. The development also includes one (1) block for a park, four (4) public streets, and one (1) block for stormwater management.
A Public Open House is to be held by City Staff. Scheduled for 6:00 p.m., on February 26, 2025, at the Civic Square, Community Room, 60 East Main Street, Welland.
A Statutory Public Hearing in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act will be held by Council at 7:00 p.m., on March 25, 2025, at the Civic Square, Council Chambers, 60 East Main Street, Welland. To participate virtually, please contact the City Clerk, Tara Stephens at no later than 12:00 p.m. on March 21, 2025, to be provided with a link to participate. Please ensure to identify the file number(s) in the email request for participation in the Statutory Public Meeting. All Council meetings are livestreamed on the City’s Website at:
The public is invited to these meetings to make oral or written submissions. All written submissions received by 12:00 p.m. on March 12, 2025, will be presented to City Council as part of the staff report on this matter.
If you wish to be notified of the Decision of the City of Welland on the proposed Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to the City of Welland, 60 East Main Street, Welland, ON L3B 3X4, or
If you wish to receive a copy of the staff report on this Application, you should advise the undersigned in writing by on March 21, 2025.
For a copy of the proposed development or for more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, contact Caitlin Kovacs, Planning and Development Services, City of Welland, Civic Square, 60 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario, L3B 3X4, phone 905-735-1700, Extension 2131, Email or fax to 905-735-8772.
Additional information will be available after on March 26, 2025.
- Colour Demonstration Plan
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Functional Servicing Report with Stormwater Management Brief
- Planning Justification Report
- Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
- Stage 1 - 2 Archaeological Assessment
- Stage 3 Archaeological Assessment
- Storm water Management Plan
- Planning Division
- Civic Square,
60 East Main St., Welland, ON L3B 3X4 - 905-735-1700 x2251 or x2257
- 905-735-8772