Glasgow-Fortner House

This three-storey house is an example of the Queen Anne Revival style, characterized by its asymmetrical composition and the whimsical details of the turret, window gables, dormer, porches, and balconies. In addition, this period was known for creatively using fine materials. This is obvious in the interior finishes of wood, unusual mouldings, panels, and the handsome stairway.

Other significant adornments include spindle tracery over the fireplace and the carved glass window and mirror at the front entrance. The half-circle motif of the stairway balustrades, which appears to be cherry or mahogany, was typical of this period.

Thomas Burgar owned the property and his son, George, built the original house around 1859. It is believed a sizeable addition was made to the house in 1884.

image of the Glasgow-Fortner House now
image of the Glasgow-Fortner House then
