Graffiti is the etching, painting or placing of a mark on public or private property and is a major concern for many citizens, organizations, and businesses.
If ignored, graffiti can:
- Lead to increased graffiti and crime
- Loss of business growth and tourism
- Result in costly clean up
- Reduce property values
- Decrease residents feelings of safety
Yes. Graffiti is considered an act of vandalism and is a criminal offence when placed on public or private property without the owner's consent. The criminal charge that would be laid for someone committing an act of vandalism is "mischief". Persons charged with "Mischief" would be required to attend court.
According to section 430 of the Criminal Code, the punishment for Mischief in relation to property is as follows:
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction
Public Property
Graffiti found on City of Welland infrastructure (ie: city owned facilities, playground equipment, traffic signs, etc.) should be reported by calling 905-735-1700 x3000.
Once City staff is aware of the graffiti on City property all efforts are made to provide removal within 48 hours and 24 hours in the case of obscene or discriminatory graffiti.
Private Property
If graffiti is found on a private residence or commercial building please contact the by-law enforcement division.
Any graffiti found on private infrastructure located throughout the City of Welland can be directed to their respective owners. Contact information is located below. If you are unsure of who to contact, please direct your complaint to the by-law enforcement division.
- Bell Canada Pedestals: 1-866-213-1756
- Canada Post Mail Boxes: 905-732-1062 x2002
- Cogeco Pedestals: 905-371-6258
- Traffic Signal Poles & Equipment: 905-984-3690
- Hydro Poles: 905-732-1381
- Traffic Signs: 905-735-1700 x3000
To provide assistance to private property owners victimized by graffiti, City Council created the Graffiti Removal Assistance Program. This program makes funds available to property owners for removal of graffiti on their property. The program will pay property owners 100% of the cost of removal of graffiti up to a maximum payment of $500 per year.
For further information on the assistance program contact the by-law enforcement division.
- Report an issue
- list of approved contractors for graffiti removal
- Property Standards By-law
- Public Nuisance By-law
To report graffiti in progress
- call 911
- Crime Stoppers: call 1-800-222-8477
- By-law Enforcement Division
- Civic Square,
60 East Main St., Welland, ON L3B 3X4 - 905-735-1700 x2224